We tell you what is REAL – what you can really expect when joining the team at Real Radiology.
A top-notch recruiter knows everything there is to know about the organization they are hiring for. At Real Radiology our in-house recruiter works directly for us, not for an external firm or outside agency who only gives vague details about the group. We pride ourselves on being transparent, upfront, and honest throughout the entire recruitment process and will provide you with any and all details about our practice.
The first step in our process here at Real Radiology is connecting any interested radiologists with our personal recruiter. We have one dedicated physician recruiter – not a team with mixed messages, one main contact to avoid any confusion or duplicity of calls or emails. From our recruiter you will learn all about our team and the expectations of our teleradiology group – what you will be expected to read, what volume of imaging and modalities you can expect to see, how our support staff are incorporated into your shift, and so much more. The recruiter will ask a few questions about your goals and experience – it is really a laid-back open-ended conversation to feel out if the group is right for you. You will discuss scheduling options, income potential, and credentialing details.
We will then allow you to process all the information about the group. With Real Radiology the ball is in your court, no hassle or nagging on our end, when you are ready our recruiter will gladly connect you with one of our radiologists. Speaking with one of our radiologists is the perfect next step to hear more about the group. You will be informed in detail about workflow, turnaround times, PACS, viewer, dictation etc. This all-important radiologist to radiologist conversation takes place first with one of our owner radiologists and then with other radiologists from the group if you would like. This is a great step in the process because our owners are like you, radiologists. They are still scheduled like all the other physicians in the group, they read daily and can speak first had to the different shift options and expectations. Most importantly, they are honest and upfront. We know and understand what a large decision it is to join a new group and want you to have all the information you need upfront so you can make the best decision for you, your family, and your lifestyle.
Along the way we have experts who can speak to you about forming a business entity, how working as an independent contractor is different from W2 employment, or even analysts who can provide detailed compensation timelines for you. We are here to help and answer any questions you may have during the process. Teleradiology is unique in many ways – working from home is new to some. Our one-on-one in-house training is also outlined during the recruitment process – making sure you are ready to read and comfortable with all platforms is something we put at utmost importance for any radiologist joining our team. You will not be left in the dark with new technology or alone during any part of our process.
Our goal is to be honest, straightforward, and clear throughout the entire process. We would never recruit a physician to join our group who has any hesitations. We have spoken to many radiologists who have joined groups and were unhappy afterwards – which is something we do not want to happen. We like creating long-term relationships with both our customers and our employees. Creating false expectations or making unrealistic promises is not something we are about. We are REAL Radiology and give you all the REAL details. Helping you make the best-informed decision is our goal – ultimately, we hope that means Real Radiology is a good fit for you, but if it is not, we completely understand.
To learn more about our recruitment process or to connect with our dedicated radiologist recruiter please email us at: radiologistrecruitment@www.realrads.com